Here is an opportunity to find out more about our local
Coordinated Care Organization (CCO), Umpqua Health Alliance (UHA). This coming Wednesday evening (10/23/2013),
at the Sutherlin Community Center, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm, UHA’s Community Advisory Council (CAC) will reveal the results from a community
health assessment and let communities know what the local Coordinated Care
Organization is doing.
Below is a link to the Health Assessment, so you can read what a group of folks who met in secret decided were the health problems in our community.
This may be a good time for folks to ask questions of this
group of people who is supposed to be representing the community’s interest in
the CCO. This Community Advisory Committee is required by law and is supposed
to be set up in a particular way and be the public’s vehicle to be part of the
CCO process, yet UHA will not even tell us who is on it or when or where they
meet. These meetings should at least
reveal who they are, or who at least some of them are. Set out below is the Oregon law section that
deals with the requirements of Community Advisory Councils (CAC). Based on information provided to us, UHA may
be violating the law regarding the make-up of the CAC.
These meetings may be a good time to hold UHA
representatives, including the CAC members there, accountable for failing to
reveal the members of the CAC to the public, failing to hold all CAC meetings
in public, allow public comment at meetings, and provide minutes of the
meetings and related documents to the public.
The meetings will also provide a forum for input about what
you want UHA to spend our tax dollars on locally to promote healthy lifestyles,
better health care services and improved medical outcomes.
UHA’s Community Advisory Council (CAC) will also be holding meetings
in Riddle, October 29th from 1:00 to 2:00 pm at Riddle Community
Center, and in Roseburg from 5:30 to 6:30 pm, Ford Rm, DC Library on on the 4th
of November.
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