This fact was recently revealed to the public by the release of the legally required CAC Community Health Assessment and confirmed this evening at a community meeting in Roseburg by UHA representative Mike Shirtcliff.
In answer to questions challenging the make-up of the CAC by an OPRA member, Shirtcliff attempted to justify the composition of UHA's CAC by claiming that different CCOs in our state interpret the law differently. That may be the case but that is the type of thing lawsuits are made of.
Oregon Revised Statute 414.625(1)(i) states:
(1) The Oregon Health Authority shall
adopt by rule the criteria for a coordinated care organization and shall
integrate the criteria into each contract with a coordinated care organization.
Coordinated care organizations may be local, community-based organizations or
statewide organizations with community-based participation in governance or any
combination of the two. Coordinated care organizations may contract with
counties or with other public or private entities to provide services to
members. The authority may not contract with only one statewide organization. A
coordinated care organization may be a single corporate structure or a network
of providers organized through contractual relationships. The criteria adopted
by the authority under this section must be designed so that:....
(i) Each coordinated care
organization convenes a community advisory council that includes
representatives of the community and of county government, but with consumers
making up a majority of the membership, and that meets regularly to ensure that
the health care needs of the consumers and the community are being addressed."
Now keep in mind, the term consumer in this legislation refers to Medicaid consumer because this law is only about Medicaid. There would be no other "consumer" for the purpose of determining the health care needs and services for anyone but them given the intent and purpose of the law that created the CCO system.
It seems that the only CCO that we can identify that tries to claim the language in the law allows them to pick anyone they want and are not mandated by law to pick Medicaid consumers is our very own Umpqua Health Alliance. There may be some others out there but we have not found them. Not surprisingly they are also the one of the few CCO that operates in secrecy not even providing information about the CAC to the public.
Fortunately the one thing the Community Health Assessment has accomplished is providing information to the taxpayer that confirms that the Community Advisory Council does not have a majority of Medicaid members. See the letter below attached letter submitted to member of the UHA Board (Shirtcliff and Commissioner Susan Morgan) by an OPRA member that explains why.
What do you think?
November 4, 2013
Umpqua Health Alliance (UHA)
Community Advisory Council
To Whom It May Concern:
After reviewing the Community
Health Assessment and the Oregon Revised Statute regarding the role of the
Community Advisory Council (CAC) in overseeing it, I am very concerned about
the fact that the makeup of our local CAC violates the law that was enacted to
implement Oregon’s Medicaid reform efforts.
The failure of the CAC to comply with the requirements of the Oregon
Revised Statute puts the validity of the Community Health Assessment, and any
other work being done by the CAC, into question.
Two statutory requirements of
the CAC are to oversee the process of the Community Health Assessment and
adopting a community health improvement plan based upon that assessment that
will guide the provisions of services in our community. If the configuration of the CAC does not
comply with the legal requirement that 51% of its members be Medicaid
consumers, then anything they come up in this process, starting with this
Community Health Assessment, lacks credibility.
Although this is not the
fault of individual CAC members, it is the fault of those on the Umpqua Health
Alliance (UHA) Board of Directors, DCIPA LLC and its parent company
Architrave. As Medicaid contractors,
they should be well aware of the law regarding this. So we can only assume that they are blatantly
ignoring it and have failed to make sure that the current members of the CAC
know the requirements of the law including the Medicaid majority.
One only need review the
report itself to verify that the CAC does not have the majority of Medicaid consumers
on it that is required by state law.
This same paragraph demonstrates the problem that failing to comply with
the law creates. The following appears
on page 45 of the report:
“Variance between groups is notable. Higher
socioeconomic groups (such as the CAC) rate lifestyle and the jobs as
the biggest factors relating to health whereas those groups representing
individuals living in poverty or those with health disparities listed access to
health care, domestic violence, and housing as major concerns.”
As you will note, the report
identifies the Community Advisory Council as being “higher socioeconomic”
level. It is clear from this that UHA
acknowledges that the CAC is not 51% Medicaid consumers. One has to be low-income to benefit from
Medicaid, so by the very definition of eligibility, one could not be from a
“higher socioeconomic” group. The same
sentence also makes it clear that there are differences in views among this
group and those identified as “individuals living in poverty”. This type of difference could have a
dramatic impact about the very construction of the survey process, including
what questions to ask and of whom.
It seems a glaring omission
to me that there is not more input from Medicaid recipients in the CHA. One cannot identify from the focus group
categories whether those responding represented Medicaid recipients
either. Although one might conclude that
certain focus groups would have a at least some Medicaid consumers represented
in them based on other information in the report, there is nothing that
enumerates the number of Medicaid consumers participating in any part of the
process. One might also conclude that
if the CAC had the required majority, there would be more engagement from
Medicaid beneficiaries.
The entire reason that the
law requires a majority of those on the CAC to be consumers of Medicaid
services is to ensure that those who benefit from the services are an integral
part of the process. It is no mistake that
this requirement was put into the law governing CCOs and this requirement
cannot be ignored.
There is really only one way
to resolve this issue:
Community Advisory Council (CAC) must immediately be reconstructed to comply
with Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 414.625:
“414.625 Coordinated care organizations; rules.
(1) (i) Each coordinated care organization convenes a community advisory
council that includes representatives of the community and of county
government, but with consumers making up a majority of the membership, and that
meets regularly to ensure that the health care needs of the consumers and the
community are being addressed.”
Community Health Assessment (CHA) should then be redone by the CAC with a
majority of Medicaid consumers on it making the decisions about how the CHA
will be conducted.
should go without saying that the selection of the CAC members should be done
in a fair manner that does not discriminate against Medicaid beneficiaries and
others who have exercised their rights, including any of those who may be here
tonight to object to this process.
Although the entire process
is in question, it is hard to argue with some of the information set out in the
report. For a while, we have been aware
of our low rankings in the state regarding overall health markers of our
community. The News Review has consistently reported that Douglas County has too
many people who smoke, are overweight or obese, and suffer from more health
problems that most of the other counties in Oregon. Further, access to quality health care has
been a problem in this community for some time, for a variety of reasons.
If we assume that these
things are true, then there is nothing that stops our local CCO, Umpqua Health
Alliance (UHA) from implement changes in the provision of services that
includes promoting better health and health care. These things include:
on increasing access to primary care providers throughout the community. This would include reopening clinics in Glide
and Drain.
sure that patients receive health care services based upon individual patient
need and choice.
all patients are provided with “informed choice” regarding all that is
available to them, whether or not paid for by the CCO.
that all providers know and honor patients’ right.
that providers are allowed to freely make medical decisions with their patients
and are not forced to comply with unnecessary rules and restrictions created by
the CCO.
that services are provided in a timely manner, such as dental health services.
Create a
global budget that adequately compensates providers for the services each
patient needs, particularly in cases of chronic multiple health conditions or
mental health services that may take more time and intervention than others.
in the global budget money for health improvement such as: YMCA and other health club memberships and
exercise classes, as well funding hands-on healthy cooking classes that are
free to participants.
These are just a few things
that can be done to improve the health care and health in our community right
now, while we are waiting for Umpqua Health Alliance to make sure their CAC
complies with the law.
Thank you for your time and
Betsy Cunningham
1026 SE Stephens
Roseburg, OR 97470
Telephone: 541-580-2746
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